Chinese cuisine

Chicken in sweet and sour sauce

A very simple and typical Asian meal! For this recipe, you need 3 large tablespoons of tomato coulis 6 tablespoons of vinegar 3 teaspoons of Worcestershire sauce 6 tablespoons of sugar 2 nice chicken filets 1 egg 1 teaspoon of…

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Salmon puff pastry

These are brick pastry sheets with white butter sauce, a slice of salmon, some shrimps and some candied tomatoes. Really simple and excellent as an appetizer   and you can prepare them in advance! For the white butter sauce, there…

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2-color- tagliatelle with salmon- lemon sauce

Here is a colorful dish that I wanted to share with you, because it’s really not complicated. I did everything a bit randomly but the result was great! For this dish, for 5 people, you need  1 tray of fresh…

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Rolls of swordfish filets with smoked salmon

Here is an idea to cook fish in a presentable and original way. I don’t really know what to call this dish, at the beginning it is a superposition of monkfish and smoked salmon. In the end, I tried this…

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Chinese Chicken Soup

My very first Chinese meal! I struggled a bit to find the ingredients, I didn’t like everything I did but I think I did pretty well! =) I don’t know why but Chinese soups attract me and yet I’ve never…

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